True sustainable success--at work or at home--is a habit, natural and unstoppable. It all starts with that person staring back at you in the mirror! Everyone has the tools within to impart positive change. Ultimately, success is a choice, a deliberate and methodical choice made every single day. It all starts with a SHIFT in the way you view your world.

Steve is an ICF Certified Coach and no stranger to success. Named 1982 Rookie of The Year, 5 Time All Star and 2 time World Series Champion, he understands what it takes to be great.
For An Extraordinary Executive Team
Change Your Mindset
True sustainable success–at work or at home–is a habit, natural and unstoppable. It all starts with that person staring back at you in the mirror! Everyone has the tools within to impart positive change.
Address Your Fears
In coaching with Steve, results are what counts! The Co-Active method ensures that you are the master of thought, the molder of your character and the shaper of your own destiny. Steve's goal is to help you navigate the course and put you on a path to success. Your track is already built, through coaching you will find it and begin to run on it.
Develop Consistency
Success is built on a series of small conquests that over time build up a momentum that takes on a life of its own. Its not about grandiose fashion sometimes - it's about being pretty good everyday. Mounting positives soon becomes an Inertia of Positivity.
Conquer Your Goals
You are one defining decision away from leading a totally different life.
Decide to be a difference maker.
You are one defining decision away from leading a totally different
Manage Your Time
Our minds need a target at which to shoot. If not, it will wander aimlessly and eventually go back to its old habits.
Maximize Your Workforce
The purpose of both empowerment and engagement is to capture a more effective contribution from the employees than would usually be expected.
The purpose of both empowerment and engagement is to capt
Shift Your Thinking
People do not attract that which they want, but that which they are.
Creative change starts with an adoption of purpose-a desire to plant your flag and never move it. If we are going to improve our circumstances, we must first be willing to improve ourselves.
People do not attract that which they want, but that which they are.
Creative change starts with an adoption of purpose-a desire to plant your flag and never move it. If we are going to improve our circumstances, we must first be willing to improve ourselves.
Bringing teams together for lasting success
What They Say
Service Director, Freeman Lexus, Freeman Toyota
Sr. Pastor, Immanuel Lutheran Church and School Memphis, TN
Vice-President, Marketing | Brother Internationa's Business Machine Division
Brother International
President, Brother International Corporation (BIC)
President, Berkley Financial Services
True sustainable success is a habit, natural and unstoppable.
What are your teams habits? Talk to Steve.
Schedule A Phone ConsultYOUR EXECUTIVE COACH
Steve Sax
- 2 x World Series Champion
- 5 x All Star
- 1982 NL Rookie of the Year
- Silver Slugger Award
- Financial Consultant
- Author
- Speaker
- Life/Business Coach

Harness The Power of Positivity
In 2001, realizing that he had accomplished his professional baseball aspiration; he rededicated his talents to helping individuals and families to manage their finances as Vice President of Investments for the Royal Bank of Canada. Steve is the author of the book SHIFT, a motivational and inspirational book that outlines action steps to change your mindset and to become a success. Shift is endorsed by Donald Trump, president of The United States.